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Have the ability to see things from different perspectives



Source: The Guardian. 1986, Points of view

  • At Executive Global Coaching, we are dedicated to providing 'Inclusive Leadership' coaching using our EQ+CQ=DQ methodology. We do so with an emphasis on experiential rather than passive learning.

Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence are two key factors that contribute to the development of Diversity Intelligence.

  • Executive Global Coaching, we are dedicated to providing specialised coaching in Inclusive Leadership using our EQ+CQ=DQ methodology.

  • Our goal is to assist leaders and organisations in fostering more inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplaces by enhancing Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

  • We guide leaders in managing diverse teams, fostering strong cross-cultural relationships, and improving organisational culture through empathy, respect, and collaboration.

  • This is the vital foundation to building 'Inclusive Leadership'

Every company is unique and most of our coaching is customised however,
below is a
n example  of our EQ+CQ=DQ Introductory course.

STAGE 1 - Overview of EQ, CQ & DQ
Observable vs Unobservable traits & characteristics

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

Diversity Intelligence (DQ)


Emotional Intelligence Iceberg
Cultural Intelligence Iceberg
Diversity Intelligence Iceberg

STAGE 2 - Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Four Components of Emotional Intelligence

Source: ‘Emotional Intelligence’ Dr Daniel Goleman

STAGE 3 - Introduction to Cultural Intelligence (CQ)



In the evolving landscape where companies increasingly strive to cultivate diverse teams, CQ enables leaders to understand, empathise and fully leverage all the talent of team members from different backgrounds and different geographical locations alike.

Four capabilities needed for Cultural Intelligence

Source; ‘Customs of the World: Using Cultural Intelligence to Adapt, Wherever You Are’ David Livermore,

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

EQ+CQ=DQ - Learn more HERE

STAGE 4 - Introduction to Diversity Intelligence (DQ)

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