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MOTIVATION Gets you started; DISCIPLINE Gets you to the Finish Line!


Motivation gets you to sign up for a gym membership on 1 January.

Discipline ensures you’re still an active member on 31 December.

One often relies on external factors such as cheap gym membership prices in January, while the other...

... relies on self...

... often requiring you to: sacrifice; build; consolidate; resist; be consistent & reliable; accountable; and, to get out of your comfort zone.

All things which few are prepared to do and may explain why

many end up buying into these "Get Rich Quick" schemes or the 'Lose weight while eating cake' type fads...

... often because many look externally for validation and/or affirmation from

people who tell them what they want to hear

instead of looking internally and improving themselves where they see weakness.


DISCIPLINE is not about never giving up; rather...'s also about knowing when to give up.

Indeed, it's said that the best gamblers are those who know when to walk away from the table.


As we approach New Year Resolution countdown...

... surround yourself (in person, as well as digitally including those you follow on social platforms)), with the right, disciplined people (including contacts you've never met but share the same values with - I recently wrote about the advantages of having a global, diverse network in my post titled: Blue chip Networking

Because through your networks, you'll learn how to

motivate & improve yourself

which by default means,

you grow and, become a better leader through the sheer act of Leading by example! #coachleader

To read more of my posts, click the Blog tab above.

To learn more about me and my coaching services (coaching on: Networking, Negotiations, LinkedIn profiles, Interview tips, Leadership development and more...head over to the Home page tab above.


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